Introducing the Comprehensive Admissions Package

It's far too easy to be stuck in a mountain of stress with applications, recommendations, admission exams, and other time-sensitive tasks piling up. So we have created a comprehensive consulting package for applicants just like you. You have the choice of 3 packages to choose from, each coming with a price tag suitable for your needs. Here at DrAcceptance, we know that every person comes from different walks of life, so we ensure that we offer not only the best rates across the board, but the best quality too. Tackle your graduate admission obstacles with us today!

This is what you're receiving when you purchase the all-in-one comprehensive package from us:

Consulting Hours
Having an experienced mentor literally guide you through each and every step is an invaluable tool to have in your arsenal. Anyone Google random questions, or ask a forum on how to complete a specific task but no one will be looking out for your best interest as much as we would. It's simple - we not only help you in efficiently maximizing your time, but if you do fall behind, we will send you friendly reminders and encouraging messages. These are small actions that go a long way in assuring your success in any stage of the application process. Moreover, you're more than welcome to text or call us with questions and concerns in regards to your app, or general queries regarding your graduate school. We are here to help!
School List Consultation
This process takes away weeks of stress from many of our clients. Having a proper school list not only ensures you have a higher shot of getting in but also you are not wasting your time and money! You can Google all you want, and look up various information regarding specific schools but only we will be able to give you the most up-to-date, and comprehensive school list. We'll take into account your location and geographic preferences, what you are looking for in a school, if you'd like to specialize or be a general practitioner, and give you the latest GPA, DAT/MCAT scores from the latest cycle. Our method is simple but efficient, and will certainly eradicate a lot of stress from your plate. You have enough to deal with-so let us help you out, little by little.
Application Activities Consult
If you're at this stage of applying for a seat in graduate schools, you already have completed various extracurricular activities. Whether it was simple volunteering or a complex research project you completed-how you're displaying and boasting your accomplishments is key. Our method makes you stand out by listing specific words and topics that we know admission committees are looking for. It's not as much what you did, as it is as much of how you describe it. We can simplify all this for you within hours!
Personal Statement Edits - Unlimited (with any comprehensive package!)
The personal statement is one of the most vital aspects of a great application, don't fall short of expectations, and do not fall victim to the typical story of "growing up, I always wanted to be ____". Having worked in a top school's admission committee in the past few years, I can instruct and guide you on how you can make a lasting impression on your admissions committee. The hard truth is that the personal statement has remained king of any application throughout many years. It doesn't matter whether you're a pre-dental, pre-medical, or pre-nursing student; you NEED to have a stellar statement to make your application whole. You can have a 3.80, and amazing admission exam scores; however, if you cannot pen your ideas, thoughts, and feelings into a concise and exciting story, you simply will not stand a strong chance. I am here to guide you into a successful application journey, beginning with a solid personal statement that shows off your best assets, in an efficient and invigorating manner. Let's do this the right way-let's do it the best way with DrAcceptance.
Supplemental/Secondary Statement Editing
Secondaries are school-specific and while they may ask anywhere from 1 question to 5 questions, they're extremely important. Frankly, the secondary application is perhaps one of the most important pillars of the application, it's a bridge between an application sitting on the admissions committee (Adcom) desk to being placed in an "interview batch". You see, everyone writes a personal statement, everyone feels they have a unique story, and everyone has an inkling that perhaps their experiences will put them over the edge compared to everyone; however, not everyone is able to demonstrate how much they know each and every school. The reality is with thousands of applications flying in, the only way to stand out is by thoroughly researching your school, and writing to such an in-depth level that Adcom gets compelled to see your personality and character in person. This part of the application process is challenging, but I am here to tell you that it's certainly worth it and we can make it easier!
Interview Prep. Consultation
Interviews are perhaps the most important stepping stone toward acceptance into graduate schools. Interviews aren't easy, let us help you by guiding you through hours of consults, questions, answers, while focusing on every degree of your personality. We will mold you into the best possible dental, nursing, or medical student. Do not think of an interview as simply a formality, rather it is truly the one and perhaps only time, you will get to show off your best assets. Being nervous is easy, and expected! However, we can easily transform you from a jittery, anxious applicant into a confident and composed student.
Some schools and/or applications may require a resume or CV, we can ensure that we create a document you can be proud of, and will certainly grab an employer or a school's attention! There are several factors to consider from technical experience, professional work experience, volunteer experience, skills and languages, to educational background. You need to highlight your experiences, and display the outcomes of your contributions in an efficient and intelligent manner.